Agrarian sector

The development of the agrarian sector of the economy of this or that state depends on the level of well-being of its citizens.

Agriculture provides the population of the country with that product, which depends on the quality of life and well-being of the people.

Besides, the developed agrarian sector contributes to the growth of the number of working places for rural residents.

What types of activities are included in the agricultural sector?

The agrarian sector of the economy is represented by different types of activities.

In our country, this sphere is based on a number of key elements: industry, specializing in the provision of agriculture with material and technical base, processing industry and agriculture itself. The last type of activity, in turn, is subdivided into plant breeding and animal husbandry.

As a system-forming element of the agrarian complex in recent times also became and fish farming.

In the last period in the agrarian sector began to include and other branches. New elements of our agrarian system became forestry, extraction of mineral waters and some other spheres of activity.

The role of the agricultural sector

The role of the agricultural sector is difficult to overestimate. This industry occupies a strategic position in the economy of any state, as far as agriculture is concerned, as a basic production system that ensures the uninterrupted provision of citizens with food and non-food products and goods. That is why the development of the agricultural sector can be considered a pledge of economic security of the state.

Indicators of the role of the agricultural sector are also the percentage of active population engaged in agriculture, as well as a specific weight in the structure of gross domestic product. These parameters reflect the state in which agricultural production is located. They are constantly changing depending on a number of factors, including global economic policy, as well as the level of state support of the villagers.

Agrarian sector enterprises

The agricultural sector has undergone serious changes in the reform of the 90s. The infrastructure of this sphere of activity has completely changed. Today, former state farms and collective farms have been replaced by large agro-industrial complexes, family farms, and peasant farms.

Some enterprises are engaged only in the production of agricultural products, and others, as well as its further processing.

The peculiarity of modern agro-industrial complexes is their wide specialization. There can be several workshops in one enterprise, in which the processed products are subjected to thermal processing, sterilization and preparation for sale. For example, there is an enterprise specializing in the production and processing of meat. They are engaged in the sale of fresh products, as well as the production of meat semi-finished products.

There are also narrowly specialized agrarian enterprises. Such organizations, as a rule, issue one type of product. For example, today dairy farms, greenhouses, nurseries are opened everywhere.

Work in the agricultural sector

After all, the agricultural sector is a multidisciplinary sphere, which includes people with different specialties. These are the people who are engaged in the creation of cleaning equipment for agriculture, and milkmaids, and workers of the pig farm, as well as representatives of dozens of other professions. A special role in the agricultural sector is played by the activities of scientists and researchers developing innovations in the field of agriculture.

Labor-intensive population, engaged in the agricultural sector, is represented not only by hired workers, but also by individual entrepreneurs (organizers of private farms).

Connection of industrial sector and agrarian sector

The agricultural sector plays a dual role in the economy of any state. On the one hand, it is the supplier of products to the external and internal markets. However, from the other side, it is itself a consumer of goods and services of other economic sectors.

Thus, for example, on the processing of land is used special equipment, which is produced at the enterprises of machine-building. For the protection of cultivated crops from pests, farmers use special solutions produced by the chemical industry.

It is possible to establish a close link between agriculture and food and processing industry. The agricultural sector produces raw materials for enterprises in these industries.

Agrarian sector in Russia (RF)

Although agrarian production occupies only 3.7% of gross domestic product, the development of agriculture remains a priority in the policy of our country.

From the solution of agrarian problems directly depends on the food security of Russia. Agriculture in our country has its own peculiarities of development.

Economic indicators of the activity of agrarian enterprises are directly related to the climatic conditions of those regions, in which they are located. High yields of fruits, vegetables, grains, technical crops can be obtained only by farmers living in the southern and south-western regions.

In the remaining regions, the agricultural sector is developing in terms of unpredictable weather conditions, which are often reflected in the performance of agricultural enterprises.

Problems and state of the agrarian sector of Russia

Agriculture in modern Russia is related to one of the most dynamically developing industries, although the problem in the agricultural sector is still quite a lot. This is due to the fact that the process of reorganization of agricultural enterprises, which began in the last century, did not lead to an increase in the efficiency of work in this area of ​​activity.

At the present time there is an unresolved problem of popularization of the village.

The state needs to allocate more funds for the development and implementation of social programs aimed at:

  • on improving the lives of rural residents;

  • cultural development;

  • construction of sports complexes.

All this will contribute to the attraction of youth in rural areas, the creation of new family farms and peasant farms.

Another topical issue is the personnel issue. The insufficient number of qualified employees does not allow many agricultural enterprises to use all their production capacity. That is why the state needs to develop programs of financial support for young professionals working in rural areas.

State regulation, management, support in the agricultural sector

To support the development of all sectors of the agricultural sector, we need strong financial support from the state. In our country, significant funds are allocated annually for subsidizing small business in agriculture, as well as for investing in research projects that are associated with the development of innovations in agribusiness.

It should be noted that there was a national program of support for entrepreneurship. A novice farmer can get funds from the state to move to that region where agribusiness is developing poorly, and open up his business. You can learn more about the measures of address assistance in the center of employment or on the Internet.

Other measures of financial support of the agricultural sector are:

  • procurement of agricultural products for state needs;
  • investment in modernization of material and technical base of agricultural enterprises.

Modernization of the agricultural sector

Modernization of the agricultural sector is a task, the implementation of which will ensure the strengthening of the entire system of agriculture in our country.

This process includes the provision of agricultural enterprises with the latest technology and automated systems that allow them to quickly perform different production processes.

Federal and regional programs are developed to improve the agrarian system. Within their framework, agricultural enterprises can receive funds from the state to update their material and technical base.

Investment and lending to the agricultural sector

Modern agro-industrial complex develops in complex economic conditions. The introduction of sanctions required a review of state policy in support of agricultural enterprises.

In order for the products of domestic producers to remain competitive and affordable, it is necessary to find new sources of investment in agribusiness. The state has taken measures to support agriculture at the table is not easy for its period.

Federal programs aimed at:

  • livestock development;

  • growing fruit and berry crops;

  • formation of financial and credit system of large agro-industrial complexes.

Prospects for the agricultural sector

In view of the future in the agricultural sector, it is planned to introduce innovative infrastructure.

For this state it intends to use a number of effective economic methods. To them relate:

  • enclosure of the domestic market from imports of agricultural products;

  • Assistance in creating market infrastructure of agriculture;

  • development of social sphere in villages and hamlets;

  • financial support for agrarian science and training of qualified workers.

Prospective directions of development of the agrarian sector are:

  • Encouragement of domestic agricultural producers to use innovative technologies

  • organization of logistics complexes;

  • development of leasing operations;

  • creation of models of private-public partnership.

Forecasts for 2017

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According to the majority of analysts and experts, in the agrarian business in 2017, regardless of the difficult economic situation in our country, there will be positive trends.

Such statements can be corroborated by factual information. For the last two years, many companies and enterprises specializing in the production of agricultural products have significantly expanded their fields.

To that extent, many agro-industrial complexes have become increasingly profitable. This was possible due to the reduction of financial output of production, as well as an increase in the quality of sales.

Agricultural sector of Kazakhstan and Belarus

In the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan for the past decade has been a positive dynamic. However, during the dry season, the indicators of grain yields fell sharply, which has aggravated the general situation in this area of ​​activity.

The agricultural sector demonstrates stable financial results. In recent years, the gross collection of grain has increased. It has a high export potential (above 7 million tons).

Positive changes are also noted in animal husbandry. The head of a large horned animal and a bird will grow in the country. The volume of production in the processing industry is expanding. The main problem of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan is its insufficient technical and technological innovation.

For the agricultural sector of Belarus, as well as the nature of stabilizing the dynamics of growth of agricultural production. Regardless of the complex economic situation in the country, the state invests significant funds in the development of national food security programs.

Belarus occupies a leading position among the CIS countries in the promotion of sugar beets and technical cultures. In the processing industry is dominated by milk and meat production.

U.S. Agricultural Sector

USA & ndash; country with a developed agrarian sector. It is the largest producer and exporter of agricultural products in the world.

Development and modernization of agriculture in this country take place under the constant control of the state. It develops agribusiness support programs. In contrast to other countries, the U.S. government uses various measures to support high incomes of farmers, improve the quality of their lives, create developed infrastructure in rural areas, expand markets and increase production. State protectionism contributes to the strengthening of the agricultural sector.

It should be noted and the role of achievements of scientific and technical progress, which are actively used in the United States. In agriculture, these countries began to use renewable energy sources, which allowed to reduce production costs of many enterprises. Enterprise construction programs for the production of bioenergetic goods. Use of biofuels & ndash; an important element of the nature protection system.

In the recent past, the country has adopted a law to protect natural resources. Its implementation involves the regular use of soil-restoring activities, as well as a system of water purification and other resources that are used in agricultural production.

The United States is developing a system of grants and subsidies allocated to start-up farmers. Support programs for farmers motivate rural residents to be productive in their region.

Agricultural sector of China

China's agricultural sector in recent times undergoes significant changes, which are reflected in the material and technical support of enterprises of agricultural industry, as well as the development of innovative resource resources.

The government of this country creates favorable conditions for life and work in rural areas. This is one of the few countries in which the level of income of rural residents is closer to the level of income of the city. This turned out to be a possible thanks to the introduction of benefits for peasant families. To that end, the state has invested a lot in the development of rural infrastructure.

In China, new types of agricultural machinery are actively used, which are characterized by high power. In addition, water-repellent technologies of soil cultivation are used there. All this allows to reach high indicators of crop yields.

The carried out land reform has contributed to the development of large agrarian complexes, family farms. The state has developed a new system of expenditure planning for the needs of the agrarian complex and its modernization.

More about trends, problems, enterprises of the agrarian sector can be found out at the annual exhibition Agroprodmash.