Agrarian system of economics

Agrarian development of any state is associated with the general state of the economy as a whole. The laws of the market in pure form are best observed in the agricultural sphere.

Agrarian type of development is…

The first and basic stage of civilized development is the agrarian society, and the agrarian type of development is the stage of evolution, in which the greatest contribution to the value of material wealth is the value of resources, the value of resources.

Sometimes agrarian society is still called traditional. Throughout this period of development, virtually all countries passed. Agrarian society refers to the first stage of civilized society. This type of development was characteristic of the Middle Ages and Antiquity.

Although today some drawings of the agrarian society have been preserved in the countries of the "third world". Usually in these states is marked by the largest influx of population. Political and demographic cycles are dominant in the dynamics of agrarian societies.

It is impossible to distinguish one type of similar agrarian society, as they have significant differences between them in comparison with other indicators.

Features of the development of agrarian society

Agrarian society has the following distinctive drawings:

  • The economy is based exclusively on handicrafts and agriculture;

  • only manual labor tools are used;

  • industry almost disappears;

  • population is mainly engaged in agriculture.

The state subordinates itself to society, society outside the state and its control does not exist. The main regulator of public life - tradition, custom, following the norms of life of previous generations. Types of relations between society and nature are not built on the principle of victory over it, but on the idea of ​​merging with it.

Development of agrarian science

In the history of humanity, the development of agrarian science has taken place in one leg with scientific and technical progress.

Therefore, a special role in the formation of the agricultural sector was shown by the following factors:

  • introduction of chemicals;

  • plant cultivation;

  • appearance of technical devices for planting, growing and harvesting;

  • domestication of animals and introduction of new high-quality breeds.

Today the increase in the impact of agrarian science on agricultural production is directly related to the increasing efficiency of the use of the results of scientific discoveries. Now science and production must be together.

On the one hand, scientific achievements are used in production; and, on the other hand, the development of science is largely determined and stimulated by the society at the level of technological development and the need for technology improvement.

Although the problem of development of agrarian science remains acute. Unfortunately, domestic science suffers from the reduction of state support, and this has a negative impact on the growth of production in the field of agriculture. As a rule, the leading countries allocate for the development of agrarian science from 2 to 4% of GDP, in Russia it is a small indicator.

But it is impossible to talk about the work on accelerating the pace of development. The introduction of a system of state support systems and laws regulating relations in the agricultural sector was positively reflected in agriculture. And if 5 years ago in the agar sector there was a constant decline, then today the speech is already going on a stable rise. For example, Russia has entered the five largest countries for the supply of grain.

Agrarian-developed countries

Today, agrarianly developed countries are states with different levels of industrialization.

For agrarianly developed countries:

  • Japan - aggregate income from agricultural production is 51 billion. dollars A large number of seafood is produced in Japan. The whole economy of the country is based on agriculture, to which great attention is paid. The peculiarity of Japanese agrarian development is the fact that this country leads and in other sectors of the economy.

  • Argentina. Leaders of agrarian production in the country are growing: soybeans, wheat and corn, and the combined income is 59 billion. dollars.

  • Turkey is a leader in the production and extraction of lentils, figs, lemons, tobacco, forest nuts and many others. Revenue from agriculture is 62 billion. dollars.

  • Pakistan is the majority of the population engaged in agriculture. It is here that huge stocks of cotton and wheat are mined. Revenue from the agricultural sector is 63 billion dollars.

  • Nigeria exports large volumes of beans, fruits, nuts, as well as natural rubber. Revenue 106 billion dollars.

  • Brazil is the leader in the production of sugar cane, soy, coffee and chicken. The country pays a lot of attention to the development of agriculture, so the income from this area is 110 billion. dollars.

  • Indonesia is the largest exporter of cocoa, spices, coffee, natural rubber. Almost half of the population is engaged in agriculture, and the income from agriculture is 127 billion. dollars.

  • The United States is the largest producer of corn. In addition, this crop is exported meat, milk and other products of animal husbandry, and the country's income is 290 billion. dollars.

  • India receives $ 413 billion dollars from the agrarian sphere, the main share of which is exports.

  • China - the volume of agricultural production is practically equal to the amount of income from the agricultural sector and is more than a trillion rubles.

Agrarian development in Russia

Russia can boldly consider an industrial-agrarian state. The most important direction of the development of the state is agriculture.

Every process that takes place in this area has an indirect impact on the national economy. Today, the state implements the strategy of innovation breakthrough, the development of promising market niches, the concentration of resources on the development and implementation, investment and gradual modernization of these underlying funds.

Development of agrarian relations in Russia

Sustained growth of production in all spheres of agro-industrial complex for the last 5 years has led to the fact that 80% of all food supplied to the final consumer of food products - these are domestic goods.

Developing agrarian relations in Russia is closely intertwined with other sectors of the economy.

Each sphere of activity has an indirect participation in the process of production, processing of certain types of agricultural products, as well as its delivery to the consumer. All this together creates an agro-industrial complex of the country.

The work of each link in the chain of agar relations is necessary for the food security of the state.

Development of agrarian entrepreneurship

Forms of ownership in the agricultural sector are constantly evolving. Thus, in agriculture there is a niche for the creation of enterprises of any level in terms of the number of employees and the sphere of activity. This significantly increases the level of employment of the population in rural areas.

The value of business income in the agricultural sector depends on weather conditions and other seasonal factors.

In order to remove the negative factors, the state conducts a policy of subsidies and support for entrepreneurship in the village. Due to this, the agrarian sector does not experience losses in the production process and continues to develop confidently.

More about the agrarian system of the economy, equipment for the agro-industrial industry can be found at the annual exhibition Agroprodmash.