Countries with agrarian economy

Agrarian economy is a socio-economic development of a certain country, which allows you to get different benefits from the cost of sales of agricultural products, including hunting and fishing.

Countries with agrarian, industrial and post-industrial economy

According to the research of scientists, human beings go through three stages of development. It is pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial. Correspondingly, in each of them there is a place to develop a specific structure of the economy.

The first of them is the pre-industrial structure or agrarian society. In this case, the main income of the country will be derived from hunting, fishing, agriculture or forestry. With this part of the resources received from the work of the rural sector, it is about 50% of GDP.

At the moment, such a trend is observed in some developing countries in Asia and Africa. In more developed and modern countries, such a society is observed before the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Industrial society relies on the creation of material values ​​by attracting labor to the creation of enterprises of the free population. Such a trend is observed in Russia, in some countries of Eastern Europe, oil-producing countries, as well as in Latin America and Asia. In such societies, 50% of GDP comes from industry.

Post-industrial society implies the provision of certain services. In this case, GDP from this type of activity is 60%. Such countries include developed Western Europe, Australia, Japan, the United States and Canada.

Agrarian structure of the economy of the country

The main characteristics of agrarian society are:

  • social differentiation. It differs in comparison with small societies, with poor development;

  • a large number of rural population is fixed in the country;

  • The main type of production is considered to be agriculture;

  • insignificant development in the extracting industry;

  • The industry is gradually developing, but its number is limited.

It is important to understand that the availability of favorable conditions (climate, soil) in a certain territory of the agrarian society does not mean that the nation will prosper. In real terms, this means the exploitation of resources to their full potential. The main purpose of such behavior is to get easy profits. Therefore, social and economic problems arise.

In such a situation, there is often a fall in wages and productivity. Technologies will not bring the desired result, as the population will grow, and raw materials will begin to disappear.

As a result, all underdeveloped countries have similar characteristics - the lack of a well-developed industry and supply of provisions. After all, the harder the farm works, the less profit it gets.

Examples of countries with agrarian economic structure

Similar agrarian society can be observed in countries that are underdeveloped in comparison with the rest of the prosperous post-industrial world. These include: Afghanistan, Burundi, Myanmar, Malawi, Somalia, Uganda, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, Tsar, Laos and others.

Representatives of companies from the country with agrarian-industrial and post-industrial economy demonstrate modern equipment of agro-industrial industry at the annual exhibition Agroprodmash.