Post Show Report Agroprodmash 2016
Agroprodmash 2016 offered technological solutions for different sectors of the food industry. Nineteen thematic salons showed an upward trend. The industry experts met new participants and learned about new brands and technological solutions.
Dates: 10-14 October 2016
Venue: Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Organized by Expocentre
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Federal Fishery Agency
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce
Exhibition area: over 63,000 sq m
Exhibitors: 732 companies
Russian exhibitors: 395 companies
Total attendance: 22,000 people
Countries: 34 (Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, the UK, Ukraine, and the USA)
International pavilions: Germany, India, China
Types of products on display: equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for the food processing industry
Show Highlights
Salon of Equipment for Meat Processing is the largest exposition with 154 companies from 20 countries, among them GEA, Marel, Foodmate, Alvik-Tsentr, Hartmann, Meyn Food Processing Technology and others.
Confectionary and Bakery Salon showed good results this year. New solutions were proposed by Van Meer, Ozstar Makina, Cagri (AlhanRus), Rondo Rus (Switzerland), Anton Ohlert (Germany), etc.
Salon of Equipment for Processing Fish and Seafood, Fishery, Fishfarming – RybpromresursNEW! featured equipment for fishing, reproduction and processing of aquatic bioresources. 107 companies from Denmark, Lithuania, Russia and Spain, offered new solutions for the fishing industry, among them Îptimar Kapp, Haarslev Industries, Tekhnologicheskoye Oborudovanie (Technological Equipment), X City, and others.
Salon of Equipment for Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Equipment for Canned Food Production with 95 companies participating from Bulgaria, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Serbia, and others. The salon featured equipment made by Rusbana Engineering, KRONEN GmbH Nahrungsmitteltechnik, Boema S.p.A. plus many others.
Ingredients, Additives and Spices Salon with 80 companies participating from Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Tajikistan. The newcomers to the salon were the UK and France. India and China arranged their group stands.
Packaging Equipment and Materials Salon with over 120 companies participating. Visitors met key manufacturers and dealers from 13 countries. The participants were Merpasa, Ishida Europe, Camozzi Pnevmatika, Multivac, Freshpack Solutions, Linde Gas, Tavil Inde, Ima Industries, Ilpra spa, Mespack, Ixapack, and other companies.
Salon of Equipment for Dairy and Cheese Production showed an upward trend. Modern equipment and technology were showcased by 148 companies from Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and others. The newcomers were Fibosa, Nichtome, G.Larssons Mekaniska Verkstad AB, Agrotek, Belpromengineering, Clever Machines, and others.
Salon of Refrigeration and Climate Control Equipment
Salon of Food Safety and Quality
Salon of Equipment for Vegetable Oil and Sauce Production
Salon of Equipment for Beverage Production
Salon of Storage Equipment, Logistics and Transport
Salon of Weighing, Measuring and Laboratory Equipment, etc.
Key Associated Events
The participants discussed the most relevant issues in the meat industry, innovative solutions for the dairy, bakery and confectionery industries, fruit and vegetable processing and the latest fish processing technologies. The event program featured forums, workshops, congresses, round tables and other evens, among them
Industry meeting on Machine Building for the Food Processing Industry
Conference on How to Build a Plant organized by the DairyNews Information Agency.
Show Competition for the Best Meat Boner Award was organized by Gorbatov Russian Meat Research Institute.
The traditional Expocentre for Counterfeit-Free Exhibition Project, aimed to minimize counterfeit products showcased at exhibitions, was continued.
The next 22nd edition of Agroprodmash is to run from October 9 through 15, 2017 at Expocentre Fairgrounds.
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