Business meetings at Agroprodmash 2023

10 / 10 / 2023

EXPOCENTRE and Imperia Forum congress and exhibition company organised a number of professional panel discussions within the conference programme of the Agroprodmash 2023 exhibition.

The forum on Strategic Challenges of the Agribusiness discussed the work of the food processing industry under sanctions, as well as the problems of robotisation and automation of food production.

The sanctions, on the one hand, created a huge number of problems for agro-industrial enterprises, and on the other hand, allowed to generate a significant number of ideas and solutions that prevented the food processing industry from stopping, giving impetus to development. Experts from the real sector of the economy told us about the most important things that are happening in the industry.

The participants in the focus session on Robots and Automation in Food Production: from Autonomous Packaging Systems to Smart Robotisation of Warehouse Management. Challenges and Possible Solutions talked about the use of robots in the agricultural sector and food processing companies.

Automation and robotisation processes in Russia are in their infancy. Although most enterprises are actively investing in modernisation, more than 20% of enterprises are not ready to introduce robots. This is the data of one of the surveys of 100 industrial enterprises in Russia, conducted in the summer of 2023. 47.4% of surveyed enterprises have a low level of automation and implementation of robotics. Robotisation is also underway at agricultural enterprises: in the dairy, meat, fish processing, bakery, and confectionery industries. It is going slowly. But it is here that the use of robots makes it possible to minimise manual labour, for example, in labelling, stacking and packaging of products.

At the 18th Russian Forum on Innovative Technologies and Equipment in the Dairy Industry the participants received up-to-date information on the development of the dairy industry, learnt about the latest technological developments for milk processing and dairy products production, and had the opportunity to ask questions to industry experts.

At the Bread Business forum more than 15 market experts, top managers of large production facilities discussed the most burning issues of the baking industry.

According to Dmitry Semenov, Executive Director at the Russian Union of Bakers, “there are worthy domestic enterprises that are already ‘import-substituting’ part of this market. But so far, unfortunately, only a part of it. That is why, among other things, we are looking closely at China and Asian countries, trying to develop various channels of wholesale supplies of the equipment we need. So we try to look into the future with optimism.”

The forum provided forecasts of the bakery and confectionery market, discussed technical equipment of production in the conditions of import substitution, talked about available imported equipment, as well as its domestic analogues. They raised HR-related and other issues.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO 
