Packpact – your partner in advanced processing & packaging

28 / 09 / 2020

2-day virtual event meetings and webinar: 1st and 2nd October 2020 online on

7 Italian industry-leading companies in processing and packaging present their own product lines and innovative solutions to the Eastern Europe and Russia markets

The majority of the promotional and business appointments in the packaging and processing sector scheduled for the next months in the Eastern European and Russian markets have been either cancelled or postponed. That's why Honegger company, focused on the international trade show marketing since 1970, has organized a two-day virtual event for the Italian network of companies Packpact. This event will be held on Thursday and Friday, 1st and 2nd October, 2020, in order to continue the commercial promotion and communication activities for the buyers and the press of the following countries: Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

Italy is certainly recognized in the Eastern European countries and in Russia as the place where some of the best vertically integrated producers in the packaging and processing industry are located – excellent manufacturers that are able to provide highly innovative, performing and high-quality technological solutions.

Packpact is the first network of Italian leading companies in the packaging and processing industry to enter the international market as the only partner able to offer a complete range of integrated solutions of advanced technology made in Italy, providing its customers with cutting-edge technology, know-how and flexibility as well as with the advantage for the customers of interacting with a single partner, able to receive and respond to all the packaging and processing needs and requirements.

The product sectors of the 7 manufacturers are:
Secondary packaging: CAMA GROUP
Front & end of line system: CLEVERTECH
Tray sealers, fill seal and form fill seal machines: ILPRA
Labelling: MAKRO
Filling & capping: RONCHI
Wrapping, strapping and shrink packaging: TOSA
Stick pack & sachet fill and seal: UNIVERSAL-PACK

“We are currently investing in various markets and providing integrated technological solutions to our customers in order to optimize their business. Packpact is a complementary network represented by outstanding Italian companies specialized in processing and packaging, qualified to compete in the global market among all the big international players” Annalisa Bellante, President PACKPACT e CEO Cama Group. “With Packpact, consumers can benefit from top technological solutions to worldwide service support. Initially, this network's first purpose was purely promotional, since we aimed to enlarge our presence in international tradeshows and to cooperate together in hitech turnkey systems. However, our main goals have always been to develop our business by increasing the international market and integrating each company's specific machine. One of Packpact’s Network benefits? A single partner for all the packaging needs, with a comprehensive range of integrated solutions and innovative made-in-Italy technology. Nowadays, Packpact is looking forward to bring the Italian packaging excellence all around the world”.

“Cama Group is a family company based in Garbagnate Monastero (Lecco, Italy). We are a secondary packaging machine builder company specialized in lines for packaging different products, both from food and non-food industry (pet food, coffee, confectionery, bakery, frozen/ice cream and ready meals, dairy and personal and home and health care). Since 2003 my sister Annalisa and I are leading the company founded by my father Paolo Bellante in 1981.” Daniele Bellante, CEO Cama Group.
“We are an Italian company with international and global presence and, on yearly basis, we invest in technical innovation, infrastructures and resources in order to be sure to grow in the global market. With this strategy we have been able to reach great results such as a turnover of 87Kˆ for 2019, and together with our partners we look forward to overcome this number for next years. Every year we invest more than 5% of our annual turnover in R&D, with a special focus to Industry 4.0. This is done along with new developments such as a new ultra-compact wrap-around case packer and innovations in robotics, which we will unveil soon. Back to Industry 4.0, we approached this technology with an extensive and comprehensive strategy driven by the digitalization of the manufacturing world. The initiative starts from a virtual re-engineering of CAMA machine range to re-produce any machine functionality and interaction with external environment. We are now able to virtualize every step of a project: from initial design concepts, through building, testing, commissioning & installation and beyond, for ongoing maintenance and support. Needless to say that such developments turned out to be a winning point during the Covid restrictions. As an example, our new Live FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) is the latest addition to its extensive digital-capabilities portfolio, which also encompasses pre-sales simulation and augmented reality along with virtual commissioning. There’s more to come in the near future: we are going to do some important investments, we never stop at CAMA regardless of any restriction or constrain. This is our strategy to keep up with customers and market’s expectation”.

“During the round table with other premium packaging machines manufacture members of Packpact, we have the opportunity to show you the latest application we developed for different market sectors as personal care, home care, pet food, e-commerce, food and dairy as well wine and spirits, because Clevertech, being in the market since more than 30 years and serving top multinational worldwide with its packaging equipment, is the key supplier for front of line and end of line equipment. We are a company in the packaging industry with growth at double digit number: in 2019 we reached 70k euro of turnover and now, in 2020, during the pandemic period we are all facing, we will reach an additional improvement in our turnover and KPI showing a complete counter tendency in the market.” Enrico Reggiani, CFO Clevertech.
“The reasons of our success are well said: customer focused, we love to listen and supply tail made system for you. Holistic approach, guided by TPM in hardware design and PACK ML in software design, we supply a turnkey system integrating sub-supplier and forcing them to follow our specification delivering 1 system to the customer with 1 interface for the end-user and 1 documentation set for instruction, everything harmonized and aligned.
Global Presence: we believe in our direct presence in the different markets to serve our partners in their land, with local well trained and prepared engineers. That’s why we have different hub located in Italy, Usa, Mexico, France, Germany, Poland, China, Thailand and India. Our new h24/7 hotline is the add on for remote assistance at any time, connected to our service desk.
In the last 10 years Clevertech successfully installed several end of line machines in packaging industry markets as home care and personal care in Russia, Poland and Serbia. We also delivered several front of line, end of line and basket loader/unloader in pet food business in Poland and Russia as well. In can-making and ends-making we can count on several installation in the East market with lines working in Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. We believe that the front & end of line automation in packaging industry located in East Europe and Russia has the right time to rock, especially in this last period, where cost of automation has become more competitive, and for different reasons trained operator man power is facing difficult times to be recruited”.

“Ilpra is an Italian company founded in 1955 and it is specialized in manufacturing packaging machines for food and non-food applications. What makes Ilpra unique is our ability to keep the production of each packaging machine 100% in-house”. Maurizio Bertocco, CEO Ilpra.
“We export our packaging solutions throughout the world thanks to strategical distributors and branch offices and that is 70% of our total sales. We provide customized solutions for tray sealers: these machines allow to pack and seal the product in preformed trays by sealing, vacuum, protective atmosphere or skin packaging; fill seal machines: dedicated to the packaging of liquid and doughty products; seal box line similar to fill seal model but designed for non-stackable containers; thermoforming machines able to form the tray in-line from rolls tock, while the product is placed to be pack in vacuum or MAP. In addition to that, our offer on the market includes the form fill seal machines: a line coming from the union of our experiences in thermoforming, dosing and sealing technologies; Ilpra bucket line: our sealing and filling solutions for high volume products, using “bucket” packaging. All our models can be customized thanks to a wide range of options available, for ex. dosing, coding and printing systems and the lines are designed to satisfy different needs: from small/manual output to industrial high production.
We grant our support to our client in all phases: from Research & Development, to discuss the best packaging solution up to test the machine and organize specific training. Together with our skilled technician team we are able to assist the client worldwide in short time. In 2019 Ilpra joined Packpact network combining its brand with other Italian excellences in the packaging sector. Our purpose is the development of both technical and commercial strategic synergies.”

“The technological innovation is the root of the development of every business and investing in technology is not just a matter of keeping up with the times, but above all, ensuring a strong and prosperous future to the company and its collaborators.
Since 2009, year of its foundation, Makro Labelling has been investing in technology and every employee is co-responsible of the growth process by contributing with his own baggage of ideas and experiences. Massimo Manzotti, Makro Labelling Srl Managing Director. Makro Labelling’s current challenge is that of combining the technological, mechanical and electronic innovation of its machines with energy saving productions, able to implement the idea of a more sustainable economic development. Achieving a completely Made in Italy production offering high-efficiency and low consumption solutions.
Thanks to an ambitious management, to the expertise and to the capacity to listen, the company growth has always been consistent. Makro Labelling has managed to face global financial and health difficulties by reacting with efficiency and organization, becoming a solid reference point in the global market of industrial labelling machines for the beverage, food, home and personal care and pharmaceutical industries.
Our customers are our real incentive to improve our business every day. From all over the world, whether small manufacturers or multinational corporations, ask Makro new solutions to enhance their production process and our goal is to listen to their needs and develop with them the technology to ensure the achievement of the project.
Makro Labelling has successfully substantiated its leadership on European and overseas markets by building up a strong network of agencies and representatives and direct branches, through which it approaches the international market. Its objective is to ensure that business customers are guaranteed a contact ever close to hand, to ensure technical service and the prompt supply of spare parts. Quality, innovation and service are the strengths of Makro Labelling’s nationally and internationally recognized credibility.
This is our way to represent and export the Made in Italy technological excellence all over the world and our partnership with “Processing & Packaging” perfectly fits this idea; together with the network companies, Makro has already attended several international exhibitions collecting important contacts and creating network synergy”.
“Founded in 1966, Ronchi Mario Spa has continuously evolved, and since the ‘70s turned its focus to cosmetics packaging, chemical liquids and food. In the ’90s, the company saw many significant changes, including installing the first flow measurement system in a customer’s plant.” Gianmario Ronchi, CEO Ronchi Mario. “We have a substantial presence in Italy and America with productive plants and a series of headquarters scattered throughout the world. Our production is thriving, with annual sales reaching over 100 machines to an international market, 1500 of which are rotary meter filling machine EXACTA. We have about 200 employees with a global turnover of approximately 80.000.000 euros, and our production covers 60% personal care, 30% detergents, and 10% food and Pharmaceutical. In 2013, we were chosen to promote the Packpact network that includes many manufacturers of the packaging chain, not in competition but complementary to each other. The experience in these years has been very positive both from the point of view of commercial synergy with other companies and from the results obtained in terms of sales”.
“TOSA Group is an Italian family-owned company founded in 1979, and plays an important role as an international market leader in the end-of-line packaging automation. Thanks to over 40 years of experience in the market, a constant customer focus and continuous innovation, we have developed a wide range of solutions to meet every need for packaging, stabilization and safety of loads. We produce stretch wrapping, strapping, shrink wrapping machines and pallet handling systems suitable for any kind of market, especially for food&beverage, home&personal care, logistics and chemicals sectors.” Fabio Tosa, Managing Director TOSA Group.
“We are the guardian angels of our customers’ goods because we commit every day to offer the best technical solutions, often tailor-made built on specific needs. Over the years we have become a reference point for our customers thanks to a constant work in research and technological development, and a careful customer care that is shown since the initial stages of a project and carried forward during the development and production phases, ending with an on-site installation and commissioning service studied in detail to allow a fast start-up. Moreover, thanks to our network of branches and distributors, we can guarantee a strong relationship with our customers by offering them a punctual after-sales service.
We joined Packpact in January 2019 because we believe in the values of this network, which brings together complementary private companies with the same growth philosophy and a strong propensity for innovation and export. Thanks to the network, we have the possibility to enter new markets and the great opportunity to grow even more by sharing experiences and know-how with the other network members, all representing the excellence of the Made in Italy in their field of application. We are therefore extremely pleased to have joined this industrial project, and we have very high expectations for the future since our restless thirst for innovation will sure find fertile ground in this fast changing world”.

“Universal-Pack was founded in 1965 and over the years has become a reference point in single-dose packaging machinery. Today we count 160 employees, 35Kˆ yearly income and 150 projects per year. Our solutions are suitable to produce 4 side seals sachets and stick packs and besides the stand-alone machine for primary packaging, we also design and build complete lines for cartooning, starting from flat blank as well as pre-glued folded cartons. Our machines can package liquids, powders, granules, tablets, objects. We have a database of more than 30.000 products and laminates tested through the years (starting from early 2000s we also implemented a complete research laboratory). We deliver 20% of our solutions in East Europe and Russia (where we also have technicians): we cover mostly food and pharma, as well as cosmetic and chemical sectors.” Marco Nardini, Sales Director Universal-Pack.
“At Universal-Pack, we put customers at the heart of our workflow and consider ourselves as consultants, not just simple suppliers. Today technology and markets are changing so rapidly and the ability to continuously improve our solutions and operations is a vital mechanism. In order to do that, we build strong mutual relationships with our customers who become active partners of the project. These partnerships are possible because we produce all components internally and manage all the operations inhouse (such as scientific tests on products and films, project design, component production, wiring, assembly, tests). Due to these challenging times we also implemented remote SAT protocols to install machines remotely.
Moreover, we spend 5% of our yearly income for R&D where we also have dedicated personnel. A core value for Universal-Pack is then sustainability: we do our best to protect and preserve the environment both on company and machinery sides: 50% undifferentiated wastes reduction in the last 2 years, solar energy to directly produce electricity for the factory. Our machines can work with recycled, recyclable and compostable laminates, energy and air consumptions by machines is constantly monitored and optimized through PLC. We have been chosen by Packpact to represent Italian sachet and stick-pack machinery excellence in the world: thanks to the Network we have been able to develop important and effective collaborations in many projects with other companies of Packpact. As Universal-Pack we firmly believe in the power of networks, shared experiences, mutual support and Made in Italy. Even in these difficult times where we cannot attend physical events we can still be present all around the world thanks to the digital exhibitions we are carrying on with Packpact”.

Some data on the PACKPACT NETWORK, which clearly show a particularly performing and growing business activity:

• the total turnover in 2019 was 320 million euros;
• 85% of the total turnover in 2019 was generated by export;
• the number of employees currently employed by the Network is approximately 1.050;
• the last two years (2018 and 2019) saw an increase of 20% in the number of employees and an increase of 100% in the number of fairs attended in new markets through the formula suggested by the Network.

The company webinars that will be the object of this two-day VIRTUAL EVENT dedicated to the Eastern European and Russian markets are the following:

Thursday October 1st, 2020

PACKPACT: your partner in advanced processing & packaging
at 9:00 a.m. CET (Russian 10:00 a.m.)
Sonia Bennati, Editorial Manager Zeus Editrice, International Media Partner Packpact digital events
Annalisa Bellante, President PACKPACT e CEO Cama Group
Daniele Bellante, CEO Cama Group

Enrico Reggiani, CFO Clevertech
Velka Martelli, Ilpra SpA Marketing Department
Marco Bissoli, Makro Labelling Srl Sales Manager
Francesco Ronchi, Mario Ronchi SpA Sales Manager
Fabio Tosa, Tosa Group SpA CEO
Marco Nardini, Universal-Pack Srl Sales Director

CLEVERTECH experiences in FMCG producer in East Europe and Russia
at 12:00 p.m. CET (Russian 1:00 p.m.)
Luca Carollo, CLEVERTECH SPA Business Development Manager
Serghey Vakar, CLEVERTECH SPA Sales Manager

CAMA GROUP - Digital Manufacturing: simulation and augmented reality
at 3:00 p.m. CET (Russian 4:00 p.m.)
Alessandro Rocca, CAMA GROUP Sales Engineering Director
Matteo Roncaglioni, CAMA GROUP Software Engineering Manager
Massimo Monguzzi, CAMA GROUP R&D Manager

Friday October 2nd, 2020

RONCHI MARIO -Industry 4.0 evolution: new RSC system integration for filling and capping monoblock machine
at 9:00 a.m. CET (Russian 10:00 a.m.)
Francesco Ronchi, Mario Ronchi SpA Sales Manager
Matteo Riva, Mario Ronchi SpA Sales Manager

UNIVERSAL-PACK - short introduction; case studies: latest solutions for pharmaceutical powders, ultraclean liquid and viscous products; Q&A

at 12:00 p.m. CET (Russian 01:00 p.m.)
Marco Nardini, UNIVERSAL-PACK Sales Director
Alex Leardini, UNIVERSAL-PACK, Marketing Executive

Federico Fabbri, UNIVERSAL-PACK Sales Area Manager
Francesco Secchiaroli , UNIVERSAL-PACK Sales Area Manager

ILPRA SpA - Form Fill Seal packaging machine
at 3:00 p.m. CET (Russian 4:00 p.m.)
Andrea Zini, ILPRA SpA Form Fill Seal Line Product Manager
Andrea Zanchetta, ILPRA SpA End of Line Sales Engineer
Velka Martelli, ILPRA SpA Marketing Department


Packpact online event is organized by
International trade show marketing since 1970

Honegger is an international network service company on the market since 1970, with expertise in communication and marketing activities. It realizes effective projects for the exhibition marketing in order to increase the business of more than 5.000 clients, either companies, institutions or associations.
Honegger Gaspare Srl is the exclusive representative in Italy for the Düsseldorf and Brno trade fairs, as well as another 140 multi-sector events occurring in the most important trade venues in the world. The experience acquired in forty years of activity guarantees Honegger’s professionalism, an articulated process combining market research, promotion, space selling and public relations among exhibitors, visitors, institutions and media.
In order to support the activities of Honegger Gaspare, the exclusive representative in Italy of Messe Düsseldorf, Honegger Group has founded an integrated society, Honegger Srl, that organizes group exhibitions in more than 20 countries in the world. Moreover, it creates and realizes booths and different spaces in trade fairs, events, exhibitions and retail thanks to its Exhibition Design department. The company always acts as the main contractor of all the costs for the services involved in the realization of the event. Honegger follows its own clients all over the world, outlining projects and their procedures according to the different requirements and the market demand.
Starting from 2018 Honegger is working as Official Project Manager alongside the Business Network PACKPACT, in order to make use of all its services in favor of an innovative project that allows companies to become a unique system for the internationalization processes. The Management Team of PACKPACT delegates to Honegger the administrative and operational powers of the Network, referring to the following activities: marketing research and analysis; communication (web and press office); organizational secretariat; trade fair attendance planning; dedicated events planning (workshops, conferences, business matching).
In order to carry out the communication and commercial activities of companies belonging to different sectors, in 2020 Honegger launches h.digitalevents: the most effective solution for organizing online events using remote interaction systems. This proposal involves the creation of a multi-day program that includes the development and implementation of a customized platform. This platform provides for webinars and/or one to one/one to many meetings to be activated in different rooms simultaneously. At the same time, there’s the possibility to monitor and record the accesses; to do market research on prospective contacts; organizational secretariat and matchmaking. Starting from 2019, Honegger Srl is an Associate Member of UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.
in media partnership with

Editrice Zeus – international media partner of Packpact online event.
Editrice Zeus is an Italian publisher of technical magazines for the food&beverage industry, focused on packaging technology and food&beverage equipment.
Editrice Zeus issues multi-languages magazines circulated worldwide since 1981 and a web portal in 10 languages, related to technology and packaging plants for the food&beverage industry.

FPIM - media partner of Packpact online event for the Bulgarian market.
The Bulgarian monthly Food Processing Industry magazine is a national edition with a 70-year history of publication. The FPIM magazine is published in collaboration with the University of Food Technology and Agricultural Academy. FPIM’s readers - food professionals in business and science - are informed about the development of science, the latest technologies, trends, legislation, food quality and safety, packaging, distribution, trade, EU requirements, consumer health, new products, etc.
The main goal of FPIM is to be a link between science and business, B2B in the food industry and the main source of information and communication forum every day.
FPIM collaborates with all branch of professional organizations and federations, as well as with high schools and universities specialized in training staff for the needs of the industry. FPIM also provides PR services and promotion campaigns, and organizes a wide variety of seminars and training courses for industry experts covering topics such as marketing, various professional qualifications etc.
The Food Processing Industry Magazine is distributed only by subscription according with our policy that this is the way in which information will be reached the exactly person and exactly place. The number of magazine circulation is about 7,200 per month: 1,000 paper issue and about 6,200 in PDF format by internet.