Building structures and modules
Many manufacturers and suppliers of building structures and modules participate in the annual Agroprodmash exhibition .
We invite you to familiarize yourself with a list of some of the leading companies that participated in our exhibition.
Company name | Description | Address | Phone | Website |
MIREX | Construction of chemically resistant floors using 200 x 200 x 15 mm acid-resistant tiles from the Czech Republic for all food/processing facilities in Russia. Warranty period for the work is 4 years. | Russia, 7, Bryanskiy Post Str., 123007, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 741-1699 | |
DEHSETILER MACHINERY CO. LTD. | Dehsetiler manufactures the best grain storage silos, grain handling equipment, grain dryers, grain pre-cleaners, feed manufacturing machines, feed pelleting lines, automation systems. | Turkey, Organized Industrial Zone, 2nd Str. #18 Afyonkarahisar, Turkey | 902722211261 | |
RUSAGROIMPORT | Design and supply of equipment for the livestock sector and meat processing, feed mills, sewage treatment plants, logistic centers; frameworks for agricultural and industrial buildings; installation supervision, commissioning and service. | 4, Savelkinskiy Proezd, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 739-6537, (499) 553-8476 | |
ALECTIA A/S | Independent design and consulting for the food industry worldwide. | Teknikerbyen 34 DK-2830 Virum, Denmark | +45 (88) 191-000 | |
GRENT | Manufacturer of stainless steel equipment and products: internal drainage systems, sanitary and hygienic and technological equipment for food enterprises. | 11, Dzerzhinskogo Str., 300048, Tula, Russia | 8 800 500-7663 |, |
ACRYLICON POLYMERS GmbH | AcryliCon manufactures tough resin floors for demanding industries. Convince yourself that AcryliCon lasts longer. | Lederstra?e 19, 19306 Neustadt-Glewe, Germany | +49 38757 5955-0 | |
BASF STROITELNYE SISTEMY | BASF produces Ucrete polyurethane cement flooring for food industry under the Master Builders Solutions brand. Ucrete key benefits are durability, chemical resistance. | Russia, Bldg. 4, 37A, Leningradskiy Prospekt, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 225-6436 | |
RT-CONSTRUCTION & SERVICE LLC | Design, construction, industrial outsourcing. | Premises 2N, Litera A, Bldg. 3, 57, Maly Prospekt Vasil\'evskogo Ostrova, Saint Petersburg, Russia | +7 (812) 610-0324 | |
URETEK GROUND ENGINEERING LLC | Uretek\'s technology quickly solves the problems of cracking and movement in buildings, structures and floor slabs quickly, with no need to stop work, dismantle equipment, and use heavy machinery. | 11, Tarny Proezd, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 268-0147 | |
KANHORS ENGINEERING COMPANY, LLC | Fabrication and installation of food processing equipment. | 33, 9th Proezd Inzhenerny, Ulyanovsk, Russia | +7 (965) 696-1684 | |
MALINOVSKY PLANT | Production and wholesale and retail trade in drainage systems and stainless steel products for food, chemical, pharmaceutical enterprises since 2013. | Office 16, 23, Malinovka Village, Leninskiy District, Tula Region, Russia | 8 800 700 3061 | |
PROFHOLOD | ProfHolod is a leader in the production of sandwich panels with polyurethane foam in Russia. | Agrokhim Territory, Shchelkovo District, Moscow Region, Russia | +7 (495) 745-0137 | |
MY PROJECT | Engineering and construction services in water and wastewater treatment, design of new and reconstruction of existing treatment facilities with modern technologies and equipment. | Floor 8, 7, Bol\'shoy Strochenovskiy Pereulok, 115054, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 989-8504 | |
DoorHan | DoorHan is the largest manufacturer of fencing structures, gates, handling equipment, complete and prefabricated buildings, heat-insulating materials and construction sandwich panels. | Russia, 120, Novaya Str., Akulovo Settlement, Odintsovo District, 143002, Moscow Region, Russia | +7 (495) 933-2433 | |
EX MORE LLC | Ex More LLC is a major manufacturer of dry mixes. The range of the company includes two main areas: PERFEKTA general building mixtures and PIQ industrial mixtures. | Russia, Bldg. 2, 6, Gostinichny Proezd, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 775-8816 | |
ECO-POTENTIAL | We design integrated plants for the purification of industrial and domestic wastewater. We manufacture and supply the best equipment to the Russian market and CIS countries. | Office 20, Bldg. 3, 12, Davydkovskaya Str., 121352, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 788-0188 | |
REDOX WATER TECHNOLOGY B. V. | Waste water treatment equipment for meat-packing plants, poultry farms, cheese factories, dairies and other industrial enterprises. Screens, flotation units, poly make-up units, biological treatment. Manufactured in the Netherlands. | Stevinstraat 11, 7102 DZ Winterswijk, The Netherlands | +31 (0) 543 53 10 30 | |
VSO Profil | A production facility in the Orel Region. The company can produce 2,000 tonnes of zinc-coated and ferrous metal parts per month, allowing for the manufacture of up to 90,000 m2 of buildings in 30 days. | Russia | 8 804 333-5004 | |
OLEX HOLDING, LTD. | The company OLEX HOLDING was founded on 1 March 1995. One of the acknowledged leaders in the Russian market of design, construction and equipping of commercial and industrial enterprises. | 4, 3rd Bukhvostova Str., 107076, Moscow, Russia | +7 (495) 789-3753 | |
STONEHENGE INDUSTRIAL FLOORING | Installation of coverings of floors and walls. | Office 307, 11, Tarny Proezd, Moscow, Russia | +7 (499) 404-2150 | |
EnviroChemie GmbH | EnviroChemi provides solutions worldwide for all industrial water treatment and process water treatment, recycling, cooling, boiler and waste water treatment needs. | 8th Floor, 7th Section, 86, Belinskogo Str., Ekaterinburg, Russia | +7 (343) 278 278 0 | |
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC | Construction Project Management, LLC designs and put up buildings for business.\ntel. +7 (927) 667-0831 (mob.). | 3a, Bazovy Proezd, 428000, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russia | +7 (8352) 63-74-74 | |
KROHN | KROHN offers sandwich panels and heat insulation slabs with the high efficiency PIR filler. One of Russia\'s largest manufacturers of construction materials for pre-fabricated buildings of any type. | 63, Industrial\'ny Prospekt, 195279, Saint Petersburg, Russia | +7 (812) 335-0285 | |
RBK FOOD PROJECTS BV | The RBK Group is an engineering, IT and consulting company specializing in fresh food industries and refrigeration systems. We design, develop, plan, build or optimize cold stores, distribution centers etc. | P.O. Box 6128, 7401 JC Deventer, The Netherlands | +31 570 680 101 | |
ABI-Decor | Equipment for artistic forging by EISENKRAFT (Germanó). | Russia, 29/1, Skotoprogonnaya Str., Moscow, Russia | +7 (499) 322-4757 | |
ATECNA ITALIA S.r.l. | ATECNA ITALIA has consolidated its presence in the food processing and cold environment industry providing the design and construction of sandwich panels, technical doors, bumper systems. | Via Augusto Erba 50 — Melzo (MILANO), Italy | +39 02 36542290 | |
We invite small and large companies, manufacturers and suppliers of building structures and modules as exhibitors of the Agroprodmash exhibition, and as professional visitors from various fields of the agro-industrial industry.