Agricultural industry

Agriculture & mdash; it is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Russian economy. Agriculture is the main supplier of raw materials and the first producer in the food industry.

Despite the increase in the pace of scientific and technical progress, the role of agricultural production in the production of food products is constantly growing,

Half of the Russian agricultural production is engaged in the provision of light and food raw materials.

Branches of agricultural industry

Agricultural production consists of two main branches:

  • agriculture or plant growing;

  • animal husbandry.

Horticulture for Russia is, first of all, growing winter and spring grain, vegetable and technical crops: such as potatoes, flax, corn, rice, sugar beet, sunflower and many others

Livestock in Russia consists of the following branches:

  • pig breeding,

  • Poultry,

  • sheep farming,

  • cattle breeding,

  • beekeeping,

  • animal husbandry,

  • fishing.

Directions and strategies for the development of all sectors of agriculture in Russia are determined by the legislature.

Agricultural industry in Russia

In the nineteenth century, agriculture in Russia underwent enormous changes that allowed the industry to rise to a new level of development. The reforms that have taken place have allowed our country to occupy a leading position in the export of grain among the world powers already in the early twentieth century.

The development of new territories in the XXI century in Russia led to the expansion of agricultural areas. Already in the 80s of the last century, thanks to the necessary technical equipment, made a significant rise in agriculture. In the nineties, the industry practically disintegrated due to the crisis.

In recent years, the government of the Russian Federation pays great attention to the agro-industrial complex and agriculture in particular. Thanks to this, Russia has become a major exporter of agricultural products. Thus, Russia took the first place among the countries of the world in the export of wheat. The volume of exports of food and agricultural raw materials in 2014 amounted to 18.9 billion. dollars, in 2016 & mdash; 17 billion The share of food and raw materials is 5%.

Ten percent of all arable land in the world is concentrated in Russia. 4/5 of these lands come to the North Caucasus, the Urals, Western Siberia and the Central Volga region.

Krasnodar Krai, Rostov Oblast, Belgorod Oblast, Republic of Tatarstan, Voronezh Oblast, Stavropol Krai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Altai Krai, Volgograd Oblast and Tambov Oblast are leaders in agricultural production.

Industrial and agricultural enterprises

All enterprises that provide the population with food and are engaged in obtaining raw materials, are called agricultural enterprises. Also, the industry produces the objects of mass consumption of various types of agricultural raw materials.

For large agricultural enterprises engaged in the processing of plant products, relating to:

  • OJSC & laquo; Efco & raquo; - production of refined vegetable oils and fats;

  • LLC & laquo; Oil Extraction Plant & laquo; South Russia & raquo; & ndash; production of untreated plant matter;

  • LLC & laquo; GK & laquo; Agro-Belogorye & raquo; & ndash; animal husbandry in combination with plant breeding.

Companies engaged in the processing of livestock products:

  • APH & laquo; Miratorg & raquo; & ndash; animal husbandry and plant breeding, processing;

  • CJSC Cherkizovo & raquo; & ndash; pig breeding and agricultural poultry, processing;

  • JSC & laquo; Danon Russia & raquo; & ndash; production of dairy products;

  • ZAO & laquo; Prioscole & raquo; & ndash; development of agricultural birds.

Enterprises "Vermany", "Baysad Kashira", "Kuban delicacies", "Makfa" specialize in the production of pasta.

Among the enterprises working on agricultural raw materials, it is possible to distinguish: the companies & quot; Vyborg pulp & quot;

Industrial and agricultural production

Agricultural production has a number of distinctions from industrial.

To the main differences you should:

  • high share of modern equipment;

  • seasonality of production;

  • equality of distribution by territory;

  • high scientific capacity.

To agricultural production can be attributed butter, meat processing, bakery, canning factories, dairy and pasta factories, flour mills and many others

Industrial production - these are textile enterprises, pulp mills, plants for the production of medicines, oil refineries.

Industrial and agricultural facilities and products

Agricultural objects are called territories, buildings and constructions, which are focused on agricultural production. Correspondingly, industrial goods are produced on the territory of industrial facilities.

The following enterprises are related to the main agricultural facilities and the products produced by them:

Butter mills produce vegetable and animal oil this vegetable oil (refined and non-refined); butter, spread, margarine.

Meat-processing plants produce meat, sausage and semi-finished products:

  • sausage (boiled, smoked, boiled-smoked);

  • sausages;

  • floor;

  • cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, steaks;

  • meat and poultry products.

Bakery enterprises are engaged in the production of any types of bread and bakery products.

Canneries produce fish, meat and canned vegetables.

Dairy plants produce all possible milk and sour milk products: milk, kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Among industrial objects and & nbsp; released products can be distinguished:

Cellulose enterprises produce:

  • all types of paper products;

  • cardboard;

  • cellulose;

Medicinal plants produce all possible drugs.

Oil refineries produce:

  • fuel;

  • gasoline;

  • liquefied gas, technical oil.

Connection of light industry with agricultural production

Light industry is directly related to agricultural production. Agricultural enterprises, such as lnozavods supply their products as raw materials to weaving mills.

Textile mills produce:

  • any type of fabric;

  • wool;

  • fabric and wool products.

Translation of agricultural lands into industrial lands

Translation of agricultural lands in the land of other designations is possible only in very rare cases. Especially valuable productive agricultural lands are not translated into another category.

The transfer of land to industry is possible:

  • if on the territory it is planned to place industrial objects that cannot be placed in another place;

  • if the cadastral value of the land does not exceed the average indicators for the district;

  • for road construction, pipelines of various designations, railway;

  • to ensure the defense and security of the country;

  • when extracting useful fossils.

Countries of exporters of industrial and agricultural products

The position of the national economy in a significant measure is determined by the level of agricultural production. Normally, a productive and economically developed country is sufficiently well-formed agriculture.

The world community is divided into several types according to the food situation:

  • main food exporters (USA, Canada, Australia, separate EU countries);

  • small countries-exporters (Finland, Hungary);

  • rich countries with food shortages, importing it (Japan, OPEC);

  • countries with unstable food security (China, India, South American state);

  • countries with food shortages, but with rich natural resources to achieve self-sufficiency (Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines);

  • countries with growing food shortages (South Africa, Sahara, Bangladesh, Nepal, Haiti).

A large part of world exports of agricultural products comes from developed countries: USA, Canada, Australia and separate EU states.

Leading exporters of grain and agricultural raw materials are: China, Russia, Asia, Africa, Latin America, India, Brazil, Mexico. More than 70 percent of all grain exports come to these countries.

Developing countries are leading and exporting tropical products (tea, cocoa, coffee, sugar, bananas).

Trends in agricultural industry are discussed at the annual exhibition Agroprodmash.