Specialists discussed changes in the use of food ingredients

12 / 10 / 2023

The conference programme of the Agroprodmash 2023 exhibition included a workshop on Food Ingredients: Technical Regulation on Use and Circulation. Amendments No.2 ÑU TR 029/2012. The event was organised by the Food Ingredients Producers Union (FIPU) and EXPOCENTRE AO.

The workshop was attended by such speakers as Tatiana Savenkova from the Food Ingredients Producers Union (FIPU), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Polina Semenova from FIPU, Tatiana Nikolaeva from the Eurasian Economic Commission, Olga Bagryantseva from the Laboratory of Food Toxicology and Nanotechnology Safety Assessment of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Vladimir Bessonov from the Laboratory of Food Chemistry of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, and other experts.

On 29 August 2023, the EAEU Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission approved comprehensive changes to the main sectoral document of the food ingredients industry – Technical Regulation CU TR 029/2012 Requirements for the Safety of Food Additives, Flavourings and Technological Aids. Therefore, the main question that concerns market participants is how the changes will work, what are the conditions of the transition periods, and how quickly excluded food additives should be removed from circulation and use.

Leading experts from the scientific and industry community shared their experience and solutions in the field of conformity assessment and fair practices in the turnover of food ingredients. New mandatory requirements for food ingredients were considered: flavourings, food additives, products of new types, microbial synthesis, and so on. In addition, the participants discussed new labelling and distinguishing requirements for ingredients and food products.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO 
